
Stephen Doak

Soul Brew Podcast

Team captain: Stephen Doak


Aidan and Stephen want to bring people together over a cuppa, and are looking for help with the funding of recording material, website management and other hidden costs of hosting a podcast to ensure they can continue releasing their Soulful conversations over a Brew.

Through Coldtober the guys want to get people in the water as they are very keen for others to join them in their love of the water.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


Aidan and Stephen want to bring people together over a cuppa, and are looking for help with the funding of recording material, website management and other hidden costs of hosting a podcast to ensure they can continue releasing their Soulful conversations over a Brew.

Through Coldtober the guys want to get people in the water as they are very keen for others to join them in their love of the water.

Stephen Doak is fundraising towards